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June 15, 2017

Sons of San Paolino Giglio Feast 2017

The Giglio Feast of San Paolino in Franklin Square, Long Island


Our brother feast, The Sons of San Paolino, kicks off Giglio season with their amazing feast starting on Wednesday June 21st and running through Sunday June 25th.

This is a wonderful feast in which many members of the East Harlem Giglio Society are also involved with. We invite all Giglio fans to come and enjoy in entertainment, rides, food and the first Giglio of the season!

This year’s #1 Capo of San Paolino is Anthony Prisco.

Congratulations Anthony!

The East Harlem Giglio Society wishes a Buona Festa to our Giglio Brothers at San Paolino!

The first dancing of the San Paolino Giglio will be on Saturday June 24th at 6:00pm

Location: St Catherine of Sienna Church – 33 New Hyde Park Road, Franklin Square, NY

For more info see the San Paolino Poster below or  visit: http://www.sanpaolino.org/

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